Monday, December 23, 2013

Sacred Journeys

What is it about these sacred journeys that make the hard times worth while? There is nothing like all the boys coming home and taking a drive to the beach. Familiarities take over and you forget what it's like in the real world. We reminisce of our beach excursions, high school jobs, and concerts we went to. We work through father-son relationships. We talk about how far we've all come and where we're going. I don't know, it's never more appreciated than now. There's something about being with people that have known you for forever that is just another level of friendship. I'm a huge believer in God's timing, and I believe he brings us together when we all need it the most. We encourage each other in the season of life were all in and send each other back out. I can't wait to see what The Lord does with each of these guys. Zach Lazzari is one of the most brilliant minds of out times. Whether a doctor or philosopher, there is no doubt that his ability to devour knowledge will lead him to greatness. Alex Lazzari, the older brother, is one of the most creative people I know. His art inspires, but his friendship even more. He's been with me since the beginning. Jonathan Fruh, my brother-in-law and best friend, never ceases to amaze with his genuine and  kind spirit. Needless to say, they are all one of a kind (and all still on the market... Ladies...). I feel super blessed by their friendship and the greatness they inspire in me. I am who I am today because of them. 

1 comment:

  1. i really enjoy reading yalls blog.It lets me see for 1the amazing man you turned out to be.I am so proud to be your aunt Aaron and it also helps me to get to know your amazing wife!!! I pray that God will always bless you guys.
