Friday, April 4, 2014

What's Missing?

The other night Tori and I sat outside our little downtown apartment gazing at the city lights while debriefing such a fun-filled week in California (It was my first time there by the way. And yes I'm a believer now). 

We started talking about how busy life has been. As your schedule starts to fill up, it gets easier and easier to just exist in society. School gets crazy with all the research papers required. Work can become hectic with all the deadlines required to be met. And the rest of your time goes to working on your marriage, attending small groups, and catching up with friends. (You try and throw a good night's rest in there every once in a while).

Before you know it, you're absolutely booked. I've been on the opposite end of the spectrum too by the way. I've had multiple seasons with way too much time on my hands. And I usually fill those with overdoses of Netflix. It starts out innocently until your three seasons into Sons of Anarchy and you feel life slipping into deep ice cream filled depression. Thats another story though I suppose.

Life is full now. And I mean to the very minute. As I was experiencing all of this, I thought where is Jesus in all of this? 

I'm not saying I've stopped praying, reading my bible, or going to church. I do all of that. But there is still something missing. 

As were sitting there, I realize something.

I miss Jesus.

I miss thinking about Him. I miss resting in the good thoughts He has for me and Tori. I miss the energy i get from slowing down and taking in his presence. 

It's so easy to forget too when life is fun and full. But the reality is that somewhere in your life, the absence of resting in his presence seeps out. For some, its that you start believing lies about yourself. For others, it can be physical fatigue. In the story of Mary and Martha, Martha's lack seeped into her frustration with Mary's rest.

 For me, I start to rationalize everything. I know that sounds weird  but its true. I start thinking like and blending in with culture in my thought life. I forget the beauty of what being a believer consists of. 

we get to believe for bigger things

we get to take leaps of faith
we have an anchor
we can have peace of mind
we have a reason to be positive in every situation

But all of that can be taken away, if we let it. The reality is that we need Him and it all it takes is to take a step back every once in a while to rest. 
